Hey! I'm back from one of the best vacations I've ever been on. Well, putting all the crappy airline stuff aside. Our first stop was...
Indiana! Hung out with my family: Nana, Pop-pop, Uncle Bob, Aunt Gwen, Katie, Bobby, Jake, Uncle James, Aunt Vickie, and lil' Natalie. *Whew* We played video games quite a bit. Nana and Pop-pop took me to the Garfield store where I got a book and a stuffed Garfield. We also went to some rummage sales where I bought Casper on VHS, the Space Jam soundtrack, some little toys, and a vibrating piggy. (The pig was for Marie) There were some nasty storms though. We lost power and were stuck in a Meijer for a little while. Everything turned out all right though. Katie burned a copy of Linkin Park's Minutes to Midnight CD, so if any of you would like songs from that or Space Jam, just tell me, and I'll send them to you. Oh, my cousins and I had a summer Olympics! It was really fun. I got gold in Guess How Many and bronze in Horse, Air Hockey, DDR, Memory, and Guitar Hero. =D
Going from Indy to the Village trip was uber-crappy. Our flight was cancelled, so we had to wait 8 hours to get on a plane. Because of that, we missed the tour bus that went to the hotel in Virginia. Therefore, we flew to Virginia instead of DC and rented a car to get to the hotel. By the way, our luggage didn't make it either, so we had to go the next day completely without. We did get it eventually though.
Williamsburg was fun. Everyone was dressed up like the early settlers and people from colonial times, and they never got out of character. My favorite parts were listening to Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson. Oh, and check Marie's blog to find out about something hilarious that happened to Jevon. On the free day we went to Busch Gardens with the Streicher family. Marie, Corbin, and I went on all the roller coasters, even the Griffon! Those were some crazy rides. ^_^ Jevon doesn't especially like roller coasters though, so he didn't go on most of them. We got soaked on the Roman Rapids, which we rode 3 times by Jevon's suggestion. Haha, it was awesome. Except for the part where Connor, Austin, and Andy kept singing "White and Nerdy". I had that song stuck in my head almost the entire trip! Oh! Amelia taught me how to swim! I can now float, tread water, and do a frog stroke type thing. *Joy emanating from entire self *
DC ended up being pretty cool as well. We went to the Library of Congress and saw the place where they shot a scene from National Treasure. We also saw the Capitol building, the Washington Monument, the Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, WWII, and Vietnam Memorials, the Natural History Museum, the Holocaust museum (which was pretty worthless), the museum of historic and modern art, and the Presidential Portrait Gallery.
I loved playing and hanging out with everyone during the trip. Terry, Ian, Patrick, Dylan, Connor, Austin, Amelia, Andy, Jevon, Corbin, Timothy, and anyone else I hung with. Dylan and I played a dumb prank on Terry. He was at a comedy show with the Capitol Steps, and he and I brought the luggage to his room. He took Terry's underwear, put it in a showercap, and taped it up. I put a note next to it that said "Found in Bill Clinton's suitcase. Thought you might like it back." He didn't even notice it when he walked into the room. He just pushed it aside and started playing on his laptop. It was stupid, but kinda funny. I cannot count the number of Bill Clinton jokes that surfaced. It was ridiculous. We played Apples to Apples, watched really stupid cartoons, and played Pokemon on our Game Boys. Actually, that last one was just me and Ian...while everyone else laughed at us. Haha.
Thanks to everyone, especially Lori, for making this a most excellent adventure. ^_^
We plan to make a Flickr page with all the pictures people took, so be on the lookout. I'll post it once it's been made. =)
<3 Shellie
At the Tearing of the Void....
15 years ago