Saturday, April 12, 2008

Woohoo! & Aroooooo!!!

Hey guys. This is me. OOH! I found new font! RAWR!!! ^_^


Getness said...

huh ok this is interesting....

WolfAngel said...

Yeah, I know. It's kinda boring...

Anonymous said...

Indeed it is, maybe it'll be interesting later....

WolfAngel said...

Gee, thanks, Ben...

WolfAngel said...

Whoa! I just noticed that all these posts end with a...

Anonymous said...


WolfAngel said...


Anonymous said...

This is getting a little creepy...

General405 said...


Getness said...

wow it does...

General405 said...

i think you mean they do...

WolfAngel said...

Thanks, Peter. My blog definitely needs to be gramatically correct...

General405 said...

buy acorn! doughnuts!!! no trans fat...

Anonymous said...

Indeed, you should buy them. Good job Peter....

General405 said...

i'm commenting here on the first post to see if anyone notices.

Getness said...

I do