Saturday, May 10, 2008

Inner Animal

This is where you can talk about your inner animal. That is, the animal that reflects who you are based upon your actions and behavior. So, what animal are you?


WolfAngel said...

I'm a White Wolf. =)

Cheesymoose said...

I've been told that I'm alot of different things. For the record, I AM NOT A MONKEY!!!!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you're a moose. I'm a half turtle half hyena.

Anonymous said...

Wait, why would I be a half turtle half hyena? I'm more of a stingray... I think...

Anonymous said...

Too bad Acorns aren't animals. =(

Getness said...

i would say im a wolf of some kind. I have always felt connected to wolves.

General405 said...

i don't really know. i've always liked wolves, which for some reason seem to be very popular.

Cheesymoose said...


Anonymous said...


WolfAngel said...

Gosh, all these fish sandwiches are making me hungry. Hungry like a wolf! =}

WolfAngel said...

So, lemme get this straight.

Shellie= White Wolf
Marie = Platypus?
Ryan = Brown Wolf Pup
Ben = Turtle/Hyena/Stingray?
Michael = Dog (Mutt)
Matthew = Lion
Patrick = Eagle/Hawk

Cool. =/

Anonymous said...

I honestly don't know what I am..... I'll just be a.... Penguin! And I think platypus is pretty good for Marie.

Acorn said...

I can't login to my other account for some reason, I've tried a lot. Therefor there won't be anymore posts on The Land of Many Fish. Nor will Acorn! post again. We are now The Land of Many Tacos? So please visit it. And make sure to join my staff again.

Getness said...

Wait why am i a brown wolf pup?

Getness said...

is it because im 13?

WolfAngel said...

Aww... That sucks, Ben. As for you, Ryan, I said brown wolf pup because your funny, playful and energetic. Adult wolves are more calm and thoughtful.

Getness said...

ok then its a good thing

WolfAngel said...

Yes, yes it is. ^_^

General405 said...

you forgot me.

WolfAngel said...

Oh, sorry, Peter. I think you'd be a black wolf. Kinda big and silent....stalking your prey...Hehe.

Getness said...

Peter silent?? That would be a first. ^_^

Getness said...

No matthew is a genderless panda bear. And michael is soo a mutt.

WolfAngel said...

I dunno. Peter is usually pretty silent when I'm around. I hardly ever hear him talk. Matthew the panda? Hm... He could be a panda. Not a genderless one though. But I think we decided last night that he's part lion part panther.

General405 said...

who's we?

Getness said...

im guessing Shellie and Marie. How is he a cat?

General405 said...

i have no idea. but there's a cat my neighbor owns named oscar, and he's skinny and orange.

Getness said...

that sounds kinda like michael after to many cheetos. ^_^

Getness said...

Wait. What about Jevon? I think he would be a grumpy bear.

Getness said...

Or just a bear that is easily grumpified. Plus bears do the whole hibernation thing, which fits jevon.

Acorn said...

Ha ha.

Cheesymoose said...

Have you guys heard about the next teen club event? It's at village on Monday, May 19th(this Monday) from 1-5pm. There's gonna be a movie, pizza(1$ a slice), ice cream(bring a topping if you can) and lotsa fun stuff. It's 12 and up so as far as I know you can all come(which you SHOULD!). Hope to see ya there.

Getness said...

Is this the last blog? Im coming as I have said about 4 other times.

Getness said...

im a wolf AwoooooAwAwAwoooooo! I probably didnt do that right but it was fun

Acorn said...

Yes, it looked like fun.

Getness said...


WolfAngel said...

Haha! I like howling too. You should try doing it at a full moon. It's super-fun. Okay. New list!

Ben = Turtle/Hyena/Stingray?
Jevon = Bear
Marie = Platypus
Matthew = Panther
Michael = Dog (Mutt)
Patrick = Eagle
Ryan = Brown Wolf Pup
Shellie = White Wolf

Woohoo! Arooooooooooohooo! =3

General405 said...

jevon is a grumpy bear. and you forgot me again.

WolfAngel said...

Oops! Sorry, Peter. *embarrassed* Um....what were you again? A wolf? Black wolf, I think...

General405 said...

that's what you said earlier.

Cheesymoose said...

This is the birthday song it's not very long HEY!!!

Acorn said...

Great job!

Acorn said...

I'm a Penguin.

General405 said...

i must agree.

Getness said...

If Matthew tried picking up younger girls i would say a cougar.

Getness said...

Ben the penguin

WolfAngel said...

You're a penguin now? Okay, until Ben finds an animal he's gonna stick with, he's a shape-shifter. As for your cougar comment, Ryan, I have no idea what you're talking about.

Getness said...

you just keep telling yourself that

Acorn said...

I said I was a penguin before!

General405 said...

i have to agree with ryan on this one.

WolfAngel said...

Oh, so you did. Sorry about that, Ben. So, do cougars go after younger girls or something? I really don't know. =\

Anonymous said...


WolfAngel said...

Eagle Warrior? Dude, that's sweet. Nice picture too. Oh, and hello! =D

Anonymous said...

I wonder if anyone doesn't know who I am yet?

WolfAngel said...

They'd know just by looking at the list. Haha. :P

Getness said...

Well its usually older women but thats the idea

Getness said...

Cougar is usually a term for older women who go after younger men like 10 20 years younger. I suppose it could apply for guys too.

Acorn said...

Hello Patrick.

General405 said...

have you crossed the border yet?

WolfAngel said...

OMG! Haha! Wow, Ryan. Hehe, no wonder Matthew was beating you up over that. Hahaha. Now, Peter....Crossed the border??? What on God's green Earth are you talking about? =\

Getness said...

He is talking to patrick

Getness said...

YOU guys were the ones that made him a jungle cat. I just said IF he did go after younger women THEN he could be a cougar.

General405 said...

i wonder if there will be over 100 comments on this before there's another post on this blog?

WolfAngel said...

Okay, I see. I think we decided he's a lion. A black lion....RAWR!!!! Haha. ^_^ 100 comments, eh? Hmm...we'll see. *wink wink*

Acorn said...

Save the reindeer? O_o

Getness said...

That seems more fitting. Whats with the reindeer ben?

WolfAngel said...

I too would like to know what Ben is talking about. I certainly don't recall mentioning reindeer anywhere on this blog...

General405 said...

he doesn't seem very sure of it himself.

Acorn said...

What are you talking about? Reindeers are sooooo made outa waffles.

WolfAngel said...

*whispers* I think Ben's completely lost it... o_O

Acorn said...

I know, I know. I said I would, but it's only been a few minutes, GEEZ!

WolfAngel said...

I do believe he just proved my point for me.

Getness said...

yup he did "dum dum bring me gum gum" i hope i got that quote right. =D

Acorn said...

Is that from Night at the Museum?

Getness said...

you know it!!

Acorn said...

Yep, I actually didn't like that movie to much, I suppose it was decent.

Getness said...

yeah it was ok but i like that quote. =D

WolfAngel said...

Yeah, that movie was okay. I also like that quote. There was a point where Night at the Museum was at a tie with Ferris Bueller's Day Off for the Teen Party. I'm so glad Ferris won. =D

Acorn said...

Ferris is awesome.

Getness said...

I just read all of the comments on this and our thought patterns scare me.

Anonymous said...

Why is this called Cave-of-heaven when your inner animal and image is a wolf? Shouldn't it be Den-of-heaven? Or was that taken? Oh btw...

I've changed...