Thursday, July 31, 2008

So Cute!!!

I don't know if you guys have seen this yet, but I think it's absolutely adorable.


Getness said...

yeah I saw that one the news the other day. I almost expected the lions to eat someone because it was on the news. So I agree with Shellie It is cute. ^_^

Anonymous said...

If only I had a pet that I could meet again...

I guess there's just my memories and dreams.

*Reforms stoic mantel* It was cute, though my cynical/pessimistic side kept thinking *Chomp!*

WolfAngel said...

Haha, yeah. The first time I saw it, I thought the lion was gonna attack them. My mom and I both cried when we watched this.

WolfAngel said...

If I make my blog not pink, will people post on it more often? =\

Globetrotter said...

haha nah, I like the pink. Finally got a chance to watch the video. I agree with you guys, very cute, but I was totally expecting the lion to just start running and mall 'em. ^_^ Wait, is that zaboo in your avatar Matthew? lol

WolfAngel said...

Acctually, that's Patrick, and it's a wolverine. Glad you got to see the video. ^_^

WolfAngel said...

I'm also glad that you like that pink. =)

Getness said...

Im good with pink its just that you dont post much and i dont do much blog stuff anymore.

Globetrotter said...

Oh Patrick's the spiritwolve"rine"

That makes sense.

General405 said...

Pink is fine. But if you change the color it should be orange or black.

Globetrotter said...

who?..... Who?............ WHO?????? *rips out hair*

Globetrotter said...

okay...... just disregard my last comment. =D