Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Things in parenthesis (don't) matter...

...Or do they?

<3 Shellie


General405 said...

You're (I'm not sure whether you're actually right or not, but I would think the big title in a bold larger font takes precedence over the smaller line that should be in parentheses because it doesn't really matter) right.

Globetrotter said...

That post confuses me Peter. However, Marie will readily point out that I get confused a lot, so I wouldn't worry about it. =D

Getness said...

She does that with (almost) everyone Isaac.

WolfAngel said...

Ryan speaks the truth. She really does do that to (pretty much) everyone.

Globetrotter said...

lol well, that's good to know. Bet I can guess who the (pretty much/almost) is. =P

WolfAngel said...

I think I know who you're thinking of, but you're wrong. It's actually just adults. =\

General405 said...

Does that mean she considers Isaac an adult, and thus (sort of) her superior? I would have trouble believing that. (no offense Isaac)

WolfAngel said...

No no no. I meant that she does not do that to adults. Marie would never consider Isaac to be an adult...ever.

Globetrotter said...

haha yes, that's true. In Marie's mind I will probably never be of drinking age..... and certainly not her superior! Oh, that's too bad though. I'm sure you what I was thinking of Shellie. lol

Globetrotter said...

*you "knew" what*

WolfAngel said...

Yes, yes, indeed.

jevon said...

im confused!

Getness said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Getness said...

I am (not) a pony.

Getness said...

Jevon is (not) cool. Shellie (doesn't) scare(s) me. I (dont) like da moon. John McCain is(nt) smart. Barrack Obama is (completely) awesome. Notice how the last one didn't change much no matter how you read it. =D