Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Cookies and MR. SNOW!!!!!

Haha, here are some pictures of the gingerbread cookies Marie and I made and decorated today. I think they turned out purdy well. ^_^ Oh yes. One more thing. Y'see that little snowman down there? That is the one, the only, Mr. Snow!!! (pronounced Meestair Snoch...long 'o' sound) =D

BTW, click the pictures to get a better look. ;/


Getness said...

Those are really really awesome. Meestair snooch look's like a bird.=P

@_@ Andrew said...

Vary nice. Good job. Now i still think that is a sheep. O_o

Globetrotter said...

I sheep with a bird beak? lol I like 'em too. Nice work! =D

WolfAngel said...

Thank you! ^_^ *sigh* Andrew thinks that the pig cookie looks like a sheep. -_-' I think it's quite obvious that it's a pig, but whatever. Haha, I guess Mr. Snow does kinda have a beaklike nose. Oh, but don't ever say that to him; he's very sensitive about it.

Acorn said...

I like the penguin cookie best... No wait, the bunny... Never mind, they're all too awesome for words... Except maybe the word "awesome".

Globetrotter said...

Oh! You mean the second picture, far bottom left? hm... ya know, I hate to say this, but at first glance, the little guy does strike me as "sheep-like." lol

WolfAngel said...

Oh! It's that big lump below the mouth, isn't it? Whoa. Y'know, it just might be a sheep cookie cutter...well, it looks like a pig to me and Marie. And my parents. =\

Acorn said...

I think it's a pig, because it has a curly tail.

WolfAngel said...

Ben, you get 500 points for knowing that pigs, unlike sheep, have curly tails.

Acorn said...

Thanks. =D

Can I exchange the points for crappy prizes that break and that no one would buy with actual money?

WolfAngel said...

Y'know, Ben, I may actually do that. People keep racking up these points, and I think they deserve to get some use out of them. OMG! Andrew, Ben, Isaac, you guys need to figure out how many points you have and post them. I can udjust them as needed, but I need an approximation. I can make a list of prizes! =D

General405 said...

I like Mr. Snow best. The reason I'm up now has something to do with Danny.

Acorn said...

As far as I know I only have 500, aside from that I don't remember getting any points.

Acorn said...

As far as I know I only have 500, aside from that I don't remember getting any points.

Globetrotter said...

Oh shoot... I have can't remember. I know you've given me points on like 3 or 4 occasions, but I have no idea how many. lol do you remember Shellie?

@_@ Andrew said...

I think I have 200000000000. :D
Actualy I think I have -200 ;)

Globetrotter said...

Uh-oh, what'd you do? lol flirt with some chick? XD

@_@ Andrew said...

lol. NO actually I think she was trying to get me a gf before the term ended. lol didn't work though. Actually i think I have 8832..... Umm yea. :D

Globetrotter said...

haha really? I'd like to hear that story. =D

WolfAngel said...

Yeah, um...all the girls had something seriously wrong with em. I mean, if I could find any decent ones, I'd have a few female friends. ALAS.

Globetrotter said...

ah, poor Shellie. =(

So, what exactly do you mean by "decent" in this instance as it applies to Andrew? Cause I'm not sure Andrew would object to certain things you might find "indecent." XD

@_@ Andrew said...

Hey I never thought of that. O_o yea i want to hear this answer

WolfAngel said...

I just mean ones that are nice, and not mean. Ones that would be willing to be my friend, like Claire was. Y'know? =\

WolfAngel said...

Haha, and, if you've heard any of my Claire stories, you'd know that she wasn't particularly decent in THAT way. lol. ^_^ We had some seriously fun (yet dirty) discussions. *sigh* Good times, good times. =P

Globetrotter said...

oh gotcha... that's what I thought you meant. lol so wait, if a girl was decent (aka nice and willing to be your friend), you'd be okay with Andrew (or me) going out with her. =P

WolfAngel said...

Yes, I would indeed be willing to let Andrew go out with someone like that.

WolfAngel said... okay with. Haha. "Let" sounds like I actually have some kind of control over it. =P

Globetrotter said...

haha yea, I was a little concerned about your word choice there for a minute. XP But wait a sec! You didn't answer the whole question Shellie. *ahem parenthesis* =3

WolfAngel said...

Wow...I kinda thought you were joking, Isaac. I think you very well know the answer. Wow. I'm feeling a little offended now. =I

Anonymous said...

From under the snows of winter, a fist punches up out of the ground. A voice emanates from the ground. That voice yells: I LIVE! After climbing out of the hole, the risen creature (me) asks: Or do I?

Hello everyone!

Globetrotter said...

Oh yeah... uh... hey Patrick! I certainly hope you live. =D

Anonymous said...

I am alive. I felt the urge to write something creative. Never try to hold in urges. In the end you'll end up with a big mess.

Globetrotter said...

good advice. I'll try to remember that. lol