Friday, January 2, 2009

2009...mixed feelings...

Wow. '09 has been interesting so far. In the past 2 days, I've had both "tons of fun" and total crap. I suppose the majority has been good, but the crap definitely stuck out. I won't go into much detail about the bad, but I will say this... Doesn't it seem kinder and more considerate to listen to your friend and just listen to what they ask of you rather than just doing whatever they want regardless? Who knows... Anyway, I should probably focus on the upside now. =P

I saw Bolt3D with Marie, my mom, and Isaac yesterday; it was amazing! The 3D was really good too. I give Bolt five stars. I honestly didn't think it was gonna be that great from seeing the previews, but that's just because they were bad previews. I honestly don't think Disney has made an animated movie this good since...hmm...Toy Story, I think. And that was quite a while ago! I mean, Mulan and Tarzan were good, but I'm not sure they were this good. I'm looking forward to seeing what animated movies they come out with next. (Except for maybe the Pixar ones... I haven't cared for the past couple, and their new "Up" doesn't look any better.) Well, here's hoping the rest of 2009 is a great year for all of us! ;D


Globetrotter said...

Yes! 5 stars from me too!! =D And the 3D was very good as well, although this was my first 3D movie, so I don't really have anything to compare it to. lol

General405 said...

I haven't seen it yet. Didn't you like Wall-E?

General405 said...

Or Kung-Fu Panda? I know it's not Disney but what did you think of it? (or did you see it?)

WolfAngel said...

I thought Wall-E was cute, but I wouldn't watch it again. Kung-Fu Panda was funny too, but I didn't like the ending, so I probably wouldn't watch that again either. I usually rate movies the highest when I feel like I could watch them over and over again. =)

Globetrotter said...

Ya, Wall-E was cute in some parts... and disgusting in others (at least for me). Loved Kung-Fu Panda though! If Bolt is a 5 star, I'd give Kung-Fu Panda a 4 1/2. =D

WolfAngel said...

As you can see, didderent people like different things. For instance, Isaac likes the Dark Knight, and I like Pete's Dragon. =P (That's right...I said it.) XD

WolfAngel said...

Wow...different. NOT didderent. *rolls eyes*

General405 said...

I thought it was a graate entting. What didn't you like about it?

WolfAngel said...

I loved Thai-Lung. He was awesome, and they just killed him off! He had pretty much given up. They should have had him working at the noodle place in the end or something. That would have been so much better.

Globetrotter said...

No!!! How could you... type those horrible words Shellie? Aaa. Anyway, I agree, your ending to Kung-Fu Panda would've been better, but the one that they had (although a tad lame) didn't disappoint me, or take away from the overall awesomeness of the movie. =D

General405 said...

We have no idea what the 'wushi finger hold' actually does. It COULD have teleported him to america or something.

@_@ Andrew said...

OK I need to see this movie you guys are talking about. What is it?

General405 said...

How much of this did you read?

Globetrotter said...

Oh yeah! now THAT would've been a good way to end it. By showing what the infamous "wushi finger hold" actually does. XD And we're talking about Kung-Fu Panda Andrew. I think Peter will agree with me that you definitely need to see it. lol

The Wizard said...

Wanna buy a watch?

@_@ Andrew said...

Umm I read the comment above mine :D

WolfAngel said...

Yeah. I would actually like to see what that finger hold thing does. Andrew, you seriously just need to look at all the comments. -.- Oh...and...



(I'll buy a watch if you buy these squirt guns) 0_0

General405 said...

Will anyone notice if there's a new comment?

@_@ Andrew said...

Hahaha. Wow I did but it took me lill while. :D I think I might go around posting random stuff on blogs hahaha. Cuz i crazy like that. O_o WOO! ~does a lill dance~

General405 said...

Show me that dance next time I see you.

@_@ Andrew said...

Hahaha. O_o okay. Hmm I guess I'll have to make a trip out there some time then.